05 Apr 2023
Millàn De Benito – Espagne
School chosen: the Royal Ballet School / Scholarship offered by the Fondation Caris
Fabrizzio Ulloa Cornejo – Mexique
School chosen: the Royal Ballet School / Scholarship offered by the Oak Foundation
Sangwon Park – Corée du Sud
Company chosen: the Dutch National Ballet Junior / Scholarship offered by the Fondation Coromandel
Julie Joyner – États-Unis
Company chosen: the Royal Ballet / Scholarship offered by the Fondation Maurice Béjart
Seehyun Kim – Corée du Sud
School chosen: the San Francisco Trainee Company / Scholarship offered by the Fondation Damm-Etienne
Alecsia Maria Lazarescu – Roumanie
School chosen: the Royal Ballet School / Scholarship offered by the Bourse Jeune Espoir
Ana Luisa Negrão – Brésil
Company chosen: the Dutch National Ballet Junior / Scholarship offered by the Fondation Albert Amon
Keisuke Miyazaki – Japon
School chosen: the John Cranko Stuttgart / Scholarship offered by the Bourse Astarte
Emily Sprout – Australie
School chosen: the Australian Ballet School /Scholarship offered by the la Bourse Jeune Etoile
Giuseppe Ventura – Italie
Company chosen: the Norwegian National Ballet Company / Scholarship offered by the Fondation Clermont Tonnerre
Soo Min Kim – Corée du Sud
School chosen: Stuttgart Ballet / Scholarship offered by the Beau Rivage Palace