Who is the the Jury 2025?

Meet the nine members of the Jury 2025!

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Jeunes Amis | Young Friends

Watching what goes on backstage at an international dance competition, attending a lesson or a rehearsal session with the candidates, visiting the dressing rooms and backstage at the theatre: what a dream for children and young people with a passion for ballet!
If you’re aged between 8 and 18, the Prix de Lausanne offers you the chance to make this dream come true!


The Young Friends of the Prix de Lausanne Club was created to give young dance enthusiasts in the region the opportunity to discover the competition from the inside.

For an annual fee of CHF 20, you can become a member of the Club. This will enable you to sign up for a guided tour backstage and observe the activities of the candidates who work throughout the competition week with top-level teachers and coaches. Each of these candidates, from all over the world, will be giving their all in the hope of winning a scholarship that will pave the way for a career as a professional dancer.

Other exciting dance-related events are organised every year!

You don’t have to be a dancer to join the club. All young ballet enthusiasts aged between 8 and 18 are welcome.


Jeunes Amis 2022

Inscris-toi maintenant !

Bank details for payment of membership fees:

Fondation en faveur de l’Art Chorégraphique
Nom de la banque : Postfinance SA
Numéro de compte : 10-2007-3
IBAN : CH74 0900 0000 1000 2007 3
Swift code / BIC : POFICHBEXXX
Référence: cotisation Cercle des Amis

Payment via TWINT

  • Summer Intensive – European Preselection 2023 – Open House
  • Prix de Lausanne 2023 – 15th year: backstage tour
  • March 2022  – Exhibition “Take flight, 50 years of Prix de Lausanne dance – ” Guided tour of the exhibition at the Musée Historique Lausanne
  • Prix de Lausanne 2020 – 14th year: backstage tour
  • November 2019 – Peter and the Wolf, Opéra de Lausanne
  • May 2019 – Visit to the Opéra de Lausanne
  • Prix de Lausanne 2019 – 13th: backstage tour
  • June 2018 – Béjart Ballet Lausanne Company Open Day
  • March 2018 – Visit to the Auditorium Stravinski in Montreux
  • April 2018 – 1st Rudra Béjart Workshop Open Day
  • Prix de Lausanne 2018 – 12th year: backstage tour
  • December 2017– Visit to the SAPA Foundation in Lausanne
  • June 2017 – Rehearsal of Cinderella by the Académie de Danse Igokat at the Centre culturel des Terreaux in Lausanne
  • February 2017 – 11th year: backstage tour of the Prix de Lausanne
  • December 2016 – Visit to the Swiss Dance Collection in Lausanne
  • April 2016 – “Les oiseaux” by the Rudra Béjart school at the Barnabé theatre in Servion
  • February 2016 – 10th year: Backstage visit to the Prix de Lausanne
  • October 2015 – Trip to the City Pully cinema to see HORIZONTES, a film by Eileen Hofer about the great Cuban dance star Alicia Alonso
  • May 2015 – “Stop Motion, danse des papiers découpés” workshop with visual artist Rosalie Vasey, at the Collection suisse de la danse in Lausanne
  • May 2015 – Public rehearsal of the Ecole Atelier Rudra Béjart at the Octogone in Pully, as part of the Fête de la danse.
  • February 2015 – 9th year: backstage tour of the Prix de Lausanne
  • October 2014 – Guided tour of the Marc Chagall exhibition at the Palais Lumière in Evian
  • July 2014 – Exceptional outing to the Château de Chillon – Rudra – Les Troubadours
  • January 2014 – 8th year: behind-the-scenes visit to the Prix de Lausanne
  • November 2013 – “Visit to the Swiss Dance Collection and the Espace Maurice Béjart”.
  • May 2013 – “Discovering the choreographers of our century” Part 3: Rudolf Nureyev
  • January 2013 – 7th year: backstage tour of the Prix Look out for the 12:45 news item on 29 January 2013 on RTS.
  • November 2012 – Guided tour of the Opéra de Lausanne
  • May 2012 – EN CORPS – Lausanne and dance Musée historique de Lausanne
  • February 2012 – Year 6: backstage tour of the Prix de Lausanne
  • October 2011 – Ballets Russes evening: – Petrouchka – Le Spectre de la Rose – Les Sylphides Grand Théâtre de Genève
  • April 2011 – Petites virtuosités variées Danseurs de l’Opéra de Paris Cie 3ème étage Théâtre de l’Octogone – Pully
  • February 2011 – 5th year: backstage tour of the Prize
  • December 2010 – “A la Découverte des Chorégraphes de notre Siècle”, continuation Geneva Dance School – Geneva Junior Ballet
  • June 2010 – 30 years of the Geneva Dance Center Show at the Théâtre du Léman – Salle du Grand Casino in Geneva ” Dessine-moi un ballet ” (Draw me a ballet)
  • May 2010 – Visit to the Jean Coteau exhibition at the Palais Lumière in Evian: “In the footsteps of a magician”.
  • January 2010 – 4th year: visit behind the scenes of the Prix
  • December 2009 – Conference demonstration at the Geneva Dance Center in Geneva: “Discovering the choreographers of our century”: Georges Balanchine, Jean Christophe Maillot, Johan Inger
  • May 2009 – Outing to the Solothurn Competition
  • January 2009 – Guided tour of the “Pointes d’artistes” exhibition at the Forum de l’Hôtel de Ville in Lausanne
  • January 2009 – 3rd year: behind-the-scenes tour of the Prize
  • June 2008 – Dress rehearsal of the Ecole Rudra-Béjart at the Octogone in Pully and Gala in the evening: “Les suites Dionysos” choreographed by Maurice Béjart.
  • January 2008 – 2nd year: visit behind the scenes of the Prix
  • June 2007 – Visit to the Musée Rath in Geneva for the exhibition “Zizi Jeanmaire – Roland Petit, un patrimoine pour la danse”. Backstage visit to the Théâtre de Saussure and show at the Geneva Dance Center: “Portes ouvertes sur la danse”.
  • January 2007 – 1st year: backstage visit to the Prix de Lausanne

Nicole and Danièle or Danièle and Nicole!
It was in 2006 that they came up with the idea of creating the Prix de Lausanne Young Friends Club. What a wonderful adventure!

How did you come up with the idea for the Club?

Having been lucky enough to take part in a tour of the Paris Opera organised for the Friends of the Opéra Garnier, we were able to explore this magnificent building and discover all its inner workings: on the public side, but also on the stage and backstage, from top to bottom and down to the smallest detail. Visiting the Rotunda, the costume workshops, the underside of the stage with its capstans like in a boat, the underground lake and so many other marvels … what an opportunity! It was a fascinating visit.

We also had the opportunity to visit the Paris Opera Ballet School in Nanterre and the New York City Ballet School, as well as the Julliard School, to name but the best-known. Each time, it was an exciting discovery.

Our experience of the stage as professional dancers and our knowledge of how a theatre works from the artists’ point of view made us want to share life backstage and our knowledge with the young people.

And finally, we’ve seen with the students at our ballet school that young people are eager to learn, to know, and to discover. So it was clear to us that the Prix de Lausanne should have its own Young Friends Club. All that remained was to convince and create… And so the Club was born.

How does a visit by the Young Friends Club during Prix de Lausanne week work?

Young Friends can come and feel the atmosphere of this famous competition, from the artists’ entrance to backstage, in the wings, the studios, the auditorium, the dressing rooms, and the orchestra pit. What a wonderful discovery!

Not only do they get to rub shoulders with young dancers, renowned teachers, and directors from the world’s leading schools and companies, but they also get to experience the atmosphere of classes and rehearsals, on stage or in the studio, and the atmosphere of this world-renowned competition.

Our Young Friends of the Club also learn how things work behind the scenes, how “everything rolls” when the curtain opens. They learn about the back-breaking work and the many rehearsals required, for both performers and technicians, to ensure that every detail of the show is impeccable. We also explain to them what a technical grill, a pendrillon, a brigadier, an iron curtain, a water curtain, a perch, and a folding seat are. They assimilate the terms but also what they represent. Theatre has its own vocabulary.

They will remember for the rest of their lives where the courtyard and the garden are, whether you are in the audience or on stage. They go behind the scenes and are curious to know how the orchestra is formed, and how the musicians are seated, in the same way all over the world.
They are shown how special make-up is prepared, the different types of make-up used on stage, the evolution of costumes from the first ballets to the present day, what the different parts of a pointe shoe are, and how and who uses rosin in a theatre.

Did you know that there are four ways to open the big red curtain?
Our young friends are very curious, they ask lots of questions, they want to know everything, and these visits are exciting and full of surprises.

How does the Club function outside of Prix week?

During the year, young people can sign up for visits, conferences, and exhibitions on the theme of dance.

For example, we visited the Roland Petit and Zizi Jeanmaire exhibition at the Musée Rath in Geneva, the Solothurn Competition, the Jean Cocteau exhibition at the Palais Lumière in Evian, and were able to see choreographers George Balanchine, Jean-Christophe Maillot and Yohan Inger at a lecture-demonstration entitled “Discovering the choreographers of our century”, organised by the Geneva Dance Center. We were also able to attend rehearsals by the Rudra Béjart School-Atelier and the Béjart Ballet Company.

The Club opens up all these possibilities. What could be more wonderful when you’re passionate? The Club des Jeunes Amis du Prix de Lausanne and its leaders are waiting for you.

Welcome to the Club!