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The Prize winners 2017: their choices!

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20 Mar 2017

The Prix de Lausanne is proud to announce the 2017 Prize winner’s choices in terms of partner schools and companies of ballet :

1. Michele Esposito – Italy –  company chosen: Het Nationale Ballet, Junior Company – Apprenticeship offered by Adveq

2. Marina Fernandes da Costa Duarte – Brazil – company chosen: Bavarian State Ballet – “Corps de ballet” contract offered by Oak Foundation

3. Taisuke Nakao – Japan – school chosen: The Royal Ballet School – Scholarship offered by Beau-Rivage Palace

4. Koyo Yamamoto – Japan – school chosen: Tanz Akademie Zürich – Scholarship offered by “Bourse Jeune Espoir”

5. Lauren Hunter – United-States – school chosen: The Royal Ballet School – Scholarship offered by Emile Chouriet Genève

6. Stanislaw Wegrzyn – Poland – company chosen: The Royal Ballet – Apprenticeship offered by Harlequin Floors

7. Diana Georgia Ionescu – Romania – company chosen: Stuttgart Ballet – Apprenticeship offered by Fondation Albert Amon

8. Sunu Lim – South Korea – forfeited his prize for other options. The 8th scholarship is attributed to Fangqi Li – China – company chosen: ABT’s Studio Company – Apprenticeship offered by Fondation Coromandel