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Results of the Selections 2018

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02 Feb 2018

Lausanne February 2nd, 2018: after 4 days of intensive work, 21 candidates have been qualified for the Finals of the competition.

From the beginning of the week, 74 candidates from all over the world have attended daily classes, coaching and rehearsals with prestigious professionals in the field. Carefully observed by 9 jury members, the candidates have all had one goal in mind: to perform their classical and contemporary variations on stage for a live audience at the Beaulieu Theatre.

Their potential was not only assessed by considering their technical facility, but also their ability to give an imaginative and sensitive response to the music. The candidates have had to master the traditional classical repertoire as well as the contemporary creations of Louise Deleur, Richard Wherlock, Jorma Elo, Mauro Bigonzetti or Wayne McGregor.

This year, the Artistic director of the HET National Ballet, Ted Brandsen, is President of the jury panel. As internationally-renowned dance professionals, they selected the 21 most promising talents who have outdone themselves the most.

The 21 finalists of the Prix de Lausanne 2018 are:

112. PARK Hanna / South Korea / 15.5 years old 301. XU Jingyi / China / 17.3 years old
115. YANG Irene / Canada / 15.8 years old 303. GALVAO Carolyne / Brazil / 17.5 years old
125. TENG Ronger / China / 16.2 years old 309. ZHAO Xinyue / China / 17.11 years old
126. MISSELDINE Chloe / USA / 16.3 years old 310. OKI Aina / Japan / 18 years old
134. GUO Wenjin / China / 16.8 years old 313. NAM Minji / South Korea / 18.5 years old
135. GELFER-MÜNDL Aviva / USA / 16.1 years old 407. WAGMAN Shale / Canada / 17.9 years old
201. CARMECI Finnian / USA / 15.2 years old 409. ZAGIDULLIN Ervin / Russia / 18 years old
203. MORIWAKI Takayuki / Japan / 15.8 years old 412. ARANDA MAIDANA Miguel Angel David / Paraguay / 18.6 years old
206. YERG Makani / USA / 16 years old 413. LORICCHIO Davide / Italy / 18.7 years old
207. LEE Junsu / South Korea / 16.1 years old 416. BAREMAN Lukas / Belgium / 18.1 years old
210. SNYDER Eric / USA / 16.1 years old

The 21 selected candidates are from 10 different countries and the most represented is the United-States with 5 candidates, and then China with 4 candidates.

8 of the finalists will receive one of the scholarships/apprenticeships, for which the Prix de Lausanne is so well-known for. The Prize Winners receive the unique opportunity to choose among the most prominent schools and companies of ballet in the world.

The Finals will take place on Saturday February 3rd, 2018 starting at 2.30pm. It will be live streamed on our website, ARTE Concert and Facebook. The results will be announced around 7pm.