Annonce du jury!

Découvrez les neuf membres du jury 2025

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Lauren Cuthbertson

Lauren Cuthbertson joined The Royal Ballet in February 2002, as a member of the corps de ballet. She was promoted to soloist in September 2003, first soloist in September 2006 and then principal in June 2008.

What do you like to eat before performances or during rehearsal days?
On performance days I like to eat quite simply. Nothing with too much flavour or too many spices!

At around 3pm I have a late lunch including some pasta, potatoes or rice If I feel I need something nearer or during the show I always have snacks close by.

What sort of training do you do to stay in shape?

I swim and do Pilates almost daily to assist any of the demands I’m facing in our varied repertoire. I’m currently recovering from injury and have had 5 months off ballet so far, so I know it’s going to be hard work to get back to full fitness. Luckily at the Royal Ballet we have fantastic support and excellent facilities and a dedicated team for rehab and maintenance.

What do you keep in your dance bag to keep hydrated during the day?

I drink water, fresh juice, tea and coffee depending on what I feel like. I keep a ‘high juice’ cordial at the theatre. If I’m rehearsing something particularly exhausting I might us a Lucozade sport or a SIS powder so I can maintain energy for a little longer.

What do you do to relax between rehearsals?

I catch up on emails and messages, read the news, have physiotherapy, organise pointe shoes, do my laundry… But I love to pop home and potter around.

How do you relax outside of dance/what are your hobbies?

I love going to the theatre, cinema or to any exhibitions of interest. I play backgammon, love arts and crafts and am forever making new playlists of different music. I spend time with my family and close friends but I don’t like to plan too much. I’m usually exhausted or in recovery/preparation mode which is just how it is when you dedicate your life to something you love.