Prix de lausanne
Schools and companies chosen by the Prize Winners 2017

1. Michele Esposito – Italy –  company chosen: Het Nationale Ballet, Junior Company – Apprenticeship offered by Adveq

2. Marina Fernandes da Costa Duarte – Brazil – company chosen: Bavarian State Ballet – “Corps de ballet” contract offered by Oak Foundation

3. Taisuke Nakao – Japan – school chosen: The Royal Ballet School – Scholarship offered by Beau-Rivage Palace

4. Koyo Yamamoto – Japan – school chosen: Tanz Akademie Zürich – Scholarship offered by “Bourse Jeune Espoir”

5. Lauren Hunter – United-States – school chosen: The Royal Ballet School – Scholarship offered by Emile Chouriet Genève

6. Stanislaw Wegrzyn – Poland – company chosen: The Royal Ballet – Apprenticeship offered by Harlequin Floors

7. Diana Georgia Ionescu – Romania – company chosen: Stuttgart Ballet – Apprenticeship offered by Fondation Albert Amon

8. Sunu Lim – South Korea – forfeited his prize for other options. The 8th scholarship is attributed to Fangqi Li – China – company chosen: ABT’s Studio Company – Apprenticeship offered by Fondation Coromandel

  Monthly article by Anaya Bobst  
What defines a great leader? Read this article written by our american blogger Anaya Bobst and inspired by a Daily Dance Dialogue moderated by Amy Brandt which took place on February during the competition with Gigi Hyatt, Sue Jin Kang and Loipa Araujo.
  Remember the best memories!  
Re watch the daily live sessions of the Prix 2017, the Selections as well as the entire Finals with the interlude (Bundesjungenballett, Royal Ballet and Ballett Zürich) and the Lifetime Achievement Award ceremony (with John Nuemeier) on our Youtube channel.

2 – 9 FEB 2025
FINALS: 8 FEB 2025